Things You Might Not Know About Massage

Many people think that getting a massage is a luxury. Several people think they are just a way to flirt with somebody. Even though it is true that there are some who insist that getting massaged on a regular basis is important but the truth is that the major benefits of massage are still being discovered. Have you been trying to see whether a bi-weekly massage is worth spending your money on? The following are some benefits for doing exactly that.

One thing about massage you should know about is that causes chemical changes in the brain. These changes reduce your body pain and stress levels overall. This is great since it means that you do not have to physically massage the specific spot that is causing you problems. This means that if you don’t wish somebody touching, for example, your lower back, you should ask them to concentrate on somewhere you do feel comfortable instead. The pressure in those areas gives a signal to your brain so that the chemical reactions can change. After awhile, the other muscles will destress and loosen up also.

There are several experts who think that getting a regular massage can help you stay in a healthy state. There have been studies that show massage improves your immune system which makes it easier for you to ward off illness and disease. This takes place because your body produces more de-stressors when it is massaged. For example, studies have shown that massage can reduce your body’s levels of cortisol. Cortisol is caused by stress and de-stressing your body is a good way to keep it from invading your immune system which, in turn, helps the rest of your body remain healthy.

Do you know that a massage can reduce your blood pressure? Likewise, massage can reduce high blood pressure. This occurs because massage triggers the nervus vagus which is responsible for helping the brain regulate the levels of your blood pressure and other vital bodily functions. In 2005, a study was completed in which individuals who suffer from high blood pressure were given ten ten-minute massages over the course of several weeks–the study found that they had a drastic drop in their hypertension levels.

It is doable to give yourself a massage as well. Lots of people believe that they need to be massaged by another person but this isn’t true. You don’t have to be able to reach the exact area that is in pain, you simply have to be able to reach a point that is adjacent to it. One example is that individuals who have conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome can greatly benefit from giving their arms a fifteen minute massage a few times each week. Check out massage therapy Cary experts for more useful information on massages.

Massage has many advantages in terms of health. Lots of folks know that massage can be relaxing but it can help to treat a bunch of different health conditions as well. The honest truth is that there isn’t any one kind of massage that is superior to the other. As long as you put enough pressure to make indentations on the skin you are rubbing then you are providing (or getting) a relaxing massage. So why don’t you try it out and feel some of the benefits yourself?