You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get over a cold. It’s likely that you keep plenty of natural health cures in your home already-you just don’t know it yet! There are a lot of people out there whose first instinct when they feel sick is to go straight to the pharmacy and pick up the most popular drug on the self in the thoughts that yahoo! You feel well again! When you choose natural remedies you don’t have to leave the house, let alone spend a ton of time trying to figure out which drug you need from the pharmacy.
Did you know that onions are health boosters? One of the best ways to help your cold is by taking cold syrup made from honey and onions. Here is how you make it: can an onion up into slices or chunks and then combine those slices with a bunch of honey and let the mixture sit for a while. Make sure that the two are mixed well together and let them sit overnight. Take a spoonful of the mixture every few hours for the next few days and you should see your cold clear up pretty quickly. You might think about adding some chopped or sliced onions to your meals, they’re easy to incorporate!
Tea is great when you have a cold! Herbal teas are great because they contain ingredients that help people feel better but do not contain caffeine which can slow down the immune system’s response to illness. To make a very strong tea, put all three ingredients into your tea to get a triple punch against your cold or flu. The tea will help you sweat which is always helpful in ridding your body of the toxins that are trying to take over while you deal with your cold or flu.
Eating and drinking foods that contain ginseng is also smart. Ginseng is pretty easy to come by too–you can buy ginseng tea (both hot and iced) and it is usually easy to find in the herbal supplements section of your store.
You should not wait until you are sick to fill your home with ginseng; filling your home ahead of time means that you will be prepared and might even be able to fight off the infection entirely. If you don’t feel well, brew some ginseng tea. Not only does the ginseng help you get better but the warmth of the tea can soothe a sore throat and the steam from the cup can help clear up your sinus passages a little.
Natural health remedies to help you feel better are everywhere. Before you head to the pharmacy aisle, look around at what you already have on hand at home. After a while you might even start to realize that you’ll get better faster if you choose natural health remedies. Try some out; you’ll be glad you did!